Amidst a global climate of economic fragility, many businesses of many different sectors and sizes are increasingly squeezed harder to improve their profitability and viability.  This is equally as applicable amongst the farming community and, if you fall in to this category, you could be annually sacrificing hundreds of dollars worth of profit due to rat infestations.  Farmers have long since waged wars against rats and the problems they cause, and you might be losing your battle simply because you are failing to use the most effective rat bait.

Whilst unsuccessful rat control might not seem to cost you tangibly, it does lumber you with a hidden or invisible ‘rat tax’.  You might understandably underestimate how much feed you lose to rats each year, as the losses are relatively small on a daily basis, but mount up considerably when sustained.  It has been calculated by scientists researching rat control that an average rat eats approximately 30-60gm of farm feed per day, resulting in a daily feed loss of 60-90gm per day including spillage and spoilage. 

Reducing this to the most conservative of estimates, if a rat is losing you 40gm of feed every day throughout the year, you are likely to be paying ‘rat tax’ of approximately $4.38 over a twelve month period for a rat to dine out, based on a tonne of feed having cost you $300.  It becomes even more pertinent for you to get to grips with your rat control programme when you consider some even more worrying data.  Rats are estimated to nest in groups of 300.  It hardly takes a mathematician to work out that your annual ‘rat tax’ may be somewhere in the realms of $1314 during a twelve month period. 

In order to avoid such costly and unwelcome losses, you need to use rat bait fast.  But not just any old rat bait, as all rat baits are not created equal.  In your quest to reduce and totally eradicate your annual ‘rat tax’ payments, it is advisable that you carry out rat control efficiently, humanely and with long lasting results. 

Ratblitz is a well respected rat control product that has been used for many years by farmers and industrialists.  Its strengths lie in a number of different areas.  It is highly attractive rat bait, ensuring that vermin are actually tempted to eat it, rather then continuing to eat your feed.  It works progressively over five – seven days, ensuring that it wipes out as many rats as possible in one fell swoop.  It is manufactured by Ruth Consolidated Industries Pty Ltd, which has been producing algaecides, animal feed supplements, biological and veterinary products in Sydney, Australia  since 1957.  This ensures that its rat bait is formulated and manufactured with Australian Government rules on pest and rat control at heart.  

date Thursday, 27 October 2011

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