It is often said that the first line of attack is defence.  When businesses involving aviaries, catering, farming, food production and distribution, shipping and zoos are at stake, the first common sense step towards rat control is prevention rather than cure.  When working in any of these types of businesses, rat control is likely to be included in your health and safety policy.  However, besides obvious health and safety issues that rats create, they also cost businesses in loss and wastage.  Use of high caliber rat bait is a great secret weapon in your war on rats and other vermin, long before you are obliged to take knee jerk action when spotting unwelcome signs that they might be at large on your premises.

Naturally, your adherence to expected standards of hygiene is your first necessary step towards preventative rat control.  Feed on farms, food and waste products should not be left lying around, offering open invitations to scavenging rats.  If your premises is surrounded by fields or waste ground, do your best to keep your surrounding areas clean and tidy.  Any scrap metal or old machinery should be put in to storage away from any of your buildings that provide potential sources of food and water to rats.

Even if you have never suffered rat problems, it happens to thousands of others in similar lines of business, and it can happen to you at any time.  Keep a close eye on dark and little used corners, in roof spaces, in storage boxes containing old paperwork, and in wall cavities.  Rat bait can be used in all of these areas, plus many, many more in order to deter rats from attempting to infiltrate your premises, and eliminating any that do. 

However, should you spot any rat droppings; you need to be ready and able to switch in to comprehensive rat control mode quickly and effectively.  If allowed to take hold, rats congregate in nests of between 300 – 1000.  Failure to eradicate the first wave with hard working rat bait could cause you a multitude of problems that probably make you cringe at the very thought.  Follow the trails to try to ascertain where they are gaining access from and might be setting up home.  Place wrapped parcels of rat bait on their trails and in other relevant spots, including high places if you suspect you might being playing unwilling host to roof rats.

Ratblitz is multipurpose rat bait that is most commonly used on farms and at other food related businesses, whilst also being available for domestic usage.  It was formulated, and continues to be manufactured to this very day, by Ruth Consolidated Industries Pty Ltd in Sydney Australia.  It is accompanied by comprehensive instructions and complies with rules laid down by the Australian Government in relation to rat control and the control of other vermin.                    

date Thursday, 27 October 2011

Amidst a global climate of economic fragility, many businesses of many different sectors and sizes are increasingly squeezed harder to improve their profitability and viability.  This is equally as applicable amongst the farming community and, if you fall in to this category, you could be annually sacrificing hundreds of dollars worth of profit due to rat infestations.  Farmers have long since waged wars against rats and the problems they cause, and you might be losing your battle simply because you are failing to use the most effective rat bait.

Whilst unsuccessful rat control might not seem to cost you tangibly, it does lumber you with a hidden or invisible ‘rat tax’.  You might understandably underestimate how much feed you lose to rats each year, as the losses are relatively small on a daily basis, but mount up considerably when sustained.  It has been calculated by scientists researching rat control that an average rat eats approximately 30-60gm of farm feed per day, resulting in a daily feed loss of 60-90gm per day including spillage and spoilage. 

Reducing this to the most conservative of estimates, if a rat is losing you 40gm of feed every day throughout the year, you are likely to be paying ‘rat tax’ of approximately $4.38 over a twelve month period for a rat to dine out, based on a tonne of feed having cost you $300.  It becomes even more pertinent for you to get to grips with your rat control programme when you consider some even more worrying data.  Rats are estimated to nest in groups of 300.  It hardly takes a mathematician to work out that your annual ‘rat tax’ may be somewhere in the realms of $1314 during a twelve month period. 

In order to avoid such costly and unwelcome losses, you need to use rat bait fast.  But not just any old rat bait, as all rat baits are not created equal.  In your quest to reduce and totally eradicate your annual ‘rat tax’ payments, it is advisable that you carry out rat control efficiently, humanely and with long lasting results. 

Ratblitz is a well respected rat control product that has been used for many years by farmers and industrialists.  Its strengths lie in a number of different areas.  It is highly attractive rat bait, ensuring that vermin are actually tempted to eat it, rather then continuing to eat your feed.  It works progressively over five – seven days, ensuring that it wipes out as many rats as possible in one fell swoop.  It is manufactured by Ruth Consolidated Industries Pty Ltd, which has been producing algaecides, animal feed supplements, biological and veterinary products in Sydney, Australia  since 1957.  This ensures that its rat bait is formulated and manufactured with Australian Government rules on pest and rat control at heart.  


When involved with not only farming, but also aviaries, catering, bunkers, ships, zoos, or anywhere else where grain and food is stored, you may have had experience of a very common enemy – rats.  Whether rats have been a past problem, are a current problem, or are a problem that you have not personally faced but wisely endeavour to keep on top of, rat control is of imperative importance in many environments.  Furthermore, it is equally important that you choose rat bait that eliminates vermin as effectively as possible, in as humane a way as possible.

As far as your business is concerned, rats can cause untold amounts of damage, resulting in detrimental effects to the health and safety of your operations, plus your bottom line profits.  In the absence of top quality rat bait, it is not only your livelihood that is literally eaten in to.  Rats are also notorious for consuming buildings, electrical wiring and insulation.  On aviaries, farms and zoos, they present a clear and present danger to unhatched eggs and chicks. Therefore, befitting rat bait can be a great ally in your rat control mission.

When choosing rat bait to best suit your requirements, a useful tip is to look for one that does not have grain in its list of ingredients.  Rats are well known for being extremely clever creatures.  It stands to sense that they probably will not be tempted by grain based rat bait if they have a veritable banquet of grain and other attractive foodstuffs to dine on.  Hence, you need to be just as smart and incorporate enticing rat bait that appeals to their senses of taste and smell in to your rat control efforts.

It is also worth considering rat bait that offers you long term rat control success, rather than a quick fix that will simply see the problem recurring again within a short period of time.  It is a known fact that rats nest in groups of approximately 300, and they are quick to identify unexpected deaths and symptoms of poisoning amongst their rank and file.  The most effective rat bait on the market works over a period of five to seven days.  This results in a higher chance of eradication of an entire nest, rather than just a few quick deaths that alert other rats and make them rat bait shy. 

Ratblitz provides your overall solution to effective, humane and sustainable rat control.  It is a tried and tested product manufactured by trusted Ruth Consolidated Industries Pty Ltd, based in Sydney, Australia, and is the first choice rat bait used by thousands of farmers and other industries.
